Why isn't there 2 weeks or a trial version?
The AI trading signals are designed for long-term success in trading. The results of 2 or 3 weeks are not meaningful. So that you can exploit the AI advantage in the long term,
We do not offer shorter terms.
Can I get rich quick with AI signals?
If you invest all your money and get lucky... but most of the time it goes wrong. You should only trade with money that you have left over and do not need for living expenses.
We recommend investing 1-2% of the account size per trade, so losses can also be tolerated. An AI is not the Holy Grail!
How are the AI signals transmitted?
A Telegram message and an email with the AI signals from the last 90 days are sent daily, even if no new signals have been created. If a new AI signal is active, you can prepare and implement your trade at your leisure. This is particularly suitable for working traders. However, it is also possible for an active signal to become inactive again; this is because the AI calculation is recalculated every day over the entire period (e.g. for the DAX over 20 years).
At what intervals do the AI signals come?
Up to around 30 AI signals per year, e.g. for the DAX. A total of 585 DAX AI signals were calculated from the year 2000 to December 2022.
For what period do AI trading signals apply?
The AI signals can be active from a few days to several weeks. The AI signals are not intra-day signals.
A long signal came via email today, but the price has already fallen during the night and is below the entry signal. What should I do?
If the price has fallen and is below the entry price of a buy position, place a buy stop order on the entry signal.
A short signal came via email today, but the price has already risen during the night and is above the entry signal. What should I do?
If the price has risen and is above the entry price of a short position, place a sell stop order on the entry signal.
A buy signal came via email today, but I have been selling in the market since the last signal. What should I do?
If there is a new Buy signal and you are Sell in the market, close the Sell position and open a new Buy position.
A sell signal came via email today, but I have been in the market since the last buy signal. What should I do?
If there is a new Sell signal and you are Buy in the market, close the Buy position and open a new Sell position.
Which index is used?
We analyze the DAX, S&P500, DowJones and Nasdaq with an AI and 5 indicators and determine the best entry and exit signals for the respective index.
Are takeprofit and stoploss settings sent?
No - every trader has to design the stoploss himself according to his account size and risk management. A good option is to place the stoploss below the last low in the daily chart. Since the trades run over several days, no take profit should be set. We try to let the trades run in order to get as much capital out of the market as possible.
How can I calculate my stoploss?
Example calculation (1 point = 1€):
Account size of €10,000 => 2% risk => €200
Let's assume the entry signal Long DAX would be at = 15000 points and the last low in the daily chart is 350 points away from the entry => 15150. We set our stop 50 points below this low at 15100 points. The stop is now 400 points from the entry. Now we divide our risk by the distance between the points.
200 € : 400 points = 0.5 contracts (risk : points = contracts)
You can trade 0.5 contracts with a risk of €200.
I didn't get an email?
Please also check your spam folder. If emails end up in the spam folder, they can be moved back to the inbox, where they belong. Mark the desired email as “not junk” and mark the sender as trustworthy.
Do I have to cancel my monthly package?
No - you only pay the package price once. Once the package has expired, signal sending will stop. If you would like to continue receiving our AI signals, you can purchase a new package.